word most obease country you might think world most obease country will be america but its wrong but it come close to it america is on 12th positon in obisity but which is the obease country? it is a small iland called naru when word iland come you you might think a helthy enviroment helthy people then why there is obeasety what is obease? Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. . difrence beetween over wait and obease? For adults, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines "overweight" as a BMI 25 or higher, and " obese " as a BMI 30 or higher. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) further subdivides obesity based on BMI, with a BMI 30 to 35 called class 1 obesity; 35 to 40, class 2 obesity; and 40+, class 3 obesity so come back to topic how naru endup like this when first naru was found in pasific ocean it was used to sell ther clean water vegetable for beer when naru got independence from europe the govermen...
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